Showing 1–9 of 10 results
Special Offer: The Care and Counsel Bible, The Struggle is Real, and Mental Health Ministry (a savings of over 55.00 off suggested retail for all 3 books!)
$79.95 -
Dynamics of People Helping
$179.00 -
Care and Counsel Bible (Suggested Retail Price of $79.99)
$50.00 -
The Struggle is Real: How to Care for Mental and Relational Needs in the Church (Hardcover) (Suggested Retail Price of $29.99)
$20.00 -
Making Magnificent Marriages
$15.00 -
Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology, and Mission in a Changing World (Hardcover)
$20.00 -
Addiction and Recovery Handbook: Unmask Addiction, Unchain Recovery!
$20.00 -
Mental Health Ministry: The Struggle Is Real (Suggested Retail Price of $24.99)
$20.00 -
Be Strong and Surrender: A 30 Day Recovery Guide